All beginnings are difficult and when facing the white screen and the blinking curser, how to begin this blog is the question that comes to mind.
Maybe I should start by explaining the reason I'm starting all of this.
My name is Lior, a 25 years old, native Israeli (fourth generation here), not a native english speaker (This may account for most of the grammer mistakes). I've joined the Israeli movement for progressive Judaism about 7 years ago. My entire family is completely Secular and I actually never really knew what Reform Judaism really means. All of that changed when I was accepted in High school to take part in Amitei Bronfman, A leadership fellowship that deals a lot with pluralistic Jewish Identity. That was the first time I've encountered reform shuls in Israel. That was the first time I've met a female Rabbi. That was the first time I've noticed texts of Yehuda Amichai and Lea Goldberg in a prayer book. After the fellowship term was over, I've searched for that kind of Jewish experience in my home-town, Rishon Le-Zion. I found a small community that accepted me with open arms and a big smile and as they say, the rest is history....
I've created this blog in order to open a new line of communication between Israeli reform young adults in Israel and the people in the broader reform Jewish world.
It seems to me that the reform world doesn't have a chance to hear a lot of the voices the youth and young adult age groups, especially in Israel.
I hope that this blog will bring to public the issues and projects that involve young people in Israel and the Israeli movement itself, in this era of constant change.
And as all blogs go, I'm waiting for your comments :)
Zionist attempts to erase the power of Jewish dissent and solidarity with
Naomi Braine has been a non-zionist Jew and activist for most of her
life, involved in movements for bodily autonomy, feminist queer liberation,
6 days ago
Shalom Lior,
ReplyDeleteJust came upon your blog and signed up for the RSS feed.
Couldn't find an email for you - so excuse my using the Comments section to contact you. I'd like to be in touch.
You can reach me at religionandstateinisrael@gmail.com
Joel Katz
Religion and State in Israel
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